Up Blog

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A totally sweet animated sailing ship.

Up 1.4.3 Release Notes

Emoji saver icons, change your mobile number, grouped transactions, and card controls.



Introducing the Up product roadmap

The Tree of Up

We're excited to introduce a new kind of product roadmap. We're calling it The Tree of Up – a technology tree-like view of our product plans for 2019.

Anson Parker

Anson Parker

A report on round ups on Up

The Round Ups Round-up

Having now made over 250,000 round ups we take a nerdy dive into the data we've seen, including the most common cents amounts on purchases and our plans for the future.

Anson Parker

Anson Parker

Three Awesome Upsiders

Who are our Upsiders?

With Up flying past 30,000 customers within a few months of launch, we thought we'd introduce a few faces who are enjoying life on the Upside.



Up and AfterPay are now connected

Afterpaying with Up

Spending wisely requires being more connected to your past purchases than many of us are today. It also requires a better understanding of your future spending commitments. Armed with knowledge of the past and future you are able to make better informed — wiser — spending decisions.

Anson Parker

Anson Parker

The Up Card and Welcome Pack.

Designing a Super Powered Welcome Experience

For a branchless digital bank, the tangible moments you have with your customers are few and far between. We relished the opportunity to design both our debit card and its welcome pack from scratch.

Daniel Wearne

Daniel Wearne

Upsiders celebrating at the Melbourne Up launch event.

Top 10 highlights from 2018

Happy New Year! While 2019 has just begun and there are so many awesome things planned for Up this year, I just thought it’d be cool to look back at a few highlights from 2018.

Dom Pym

Dom Pym

The Up app in all its glory

Continuous delivery at Up

Deploying change to production is the heartbeat of any modern tech company. Not so much for most banks, where sometimes it is only done a few times per year. At Up we do it several times per day!

Chris Aitchison

Chris Aitchison

Sender: Here's that $20 from last night. Receiver: Cheers!. Sender: Love heart.

Paying Someone

The area of payments presents one of the bigger opportunities for innovation and improvement in banking, but also exerts the greatest challenge on us to remain truly forward-looking and uncompromising while maintaining compatibility with industry standards.

Anson Parker

Anson Parker

People working on an IBM mainframe computer.

Rebooting Banking

Our journey began with a simple question: what could a banking platform look like if was built from scratch today, freed from legacy and designed from the outset to embrace the capabilities of current technology?

Anson Parker

Anson Parker