Up Blog
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Read about new features and improvements as they're pumped into Up. All the big releases in one place.
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1 Million Upsiders
We've hit 1 million Upsiders! In our latest blog, CPO Anson Parker reflects on the journey, the challenges, and the features you love most. This milestone is a celebration of our community—and a sneak peek at what's next.

Anson Parker

Feel-Good Features
Add these 3 brand new financial power moves to your arsenal and take a shortcut on your path towards financial freedom.


Shipped In The Night: Features You Might Have Missed
If you’ve made a point to be across everything we’ve shipped in 2023, consider yourself a power-user — the world is yours. But for those of you who might’ve missed a release or two, we thought we’d run you through a few of our favourite smaller updates.


Custom Spending Insights
Noticed a new taste of rainbow in your Up feed? We’ve tuned up Insights so they can turn at your speed. Engineer María Acuña lays out what’s changing.


Up 2.1.7 Release Notes
Set fixed amounts when Pay Splitting


Pay Day & Spendable Balance
Pay Day is a great day, but what if the day before could be great to? Breeze between pays with our new feature.

Anson Parker

Up 2.0.4 Release Notes
2Up Automated Transfers, Send FJD with International Payments


How to start saving (from the very beginning) with Up
If saving money doesn’t come naturally to you, you’re not alone. We’re here to start at the beginning. No spreadsheets. No stress. Just Up.


Up is Open for Business with Open Banking
Up has been certified for Open Banking. This means you can now safely share your Up data with certified third party apps, like budgeting platforms or loan providers.


Up 2.0.2 Release Notes
Split your pay into 2Up & 2Up Activity, Card Controls & Trackers on watchOS
