Up Blog
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Stopping Payment Abuse: How Up is Designing for Safety
In July 2020, we got a message from a customer saying their ex-partner was sending abusive chat messages through Up. By August, we’d built new code to find payment abuse, and designed a new approach to stopping abuse on Up.
Nektarea Cameron-Smith
Request money and say goodbye to OMT
Don't let Owed Money Tension get you down. When the sacred bonds of mateship don’t get you your money back when you need it, you can now request money from your mates on Up.
Level Up for 2021
A new year deserves a new challenge, so today we’re bringing you three levels of Up to tackle. From setting up your first shiny Saver, to building your very own custom tagging system.
Upgrade your finances with the Upsider community
Put the kettle on. Because today our Upsider community is sharing their best advice for small-but-slick financial changes that’ll really pack a punch in 2021.
UpYear Is Here! Let's Wrap Up Your 2020
Finish the year strong. Starting today take a trip down memory lane and get your personalised spending and saving review of 2020.
Up 1.17.0 Release notes
Faster payments experience with Contacts on Up.
Up turns 2! But we're turning up for you.
Less stress. Good times. And more to come.
Up 1.16.0 Release notes
Up Widgets, Eftpos for Apple Pay, Allow Contact Settings.
The Evolutionary Design of Up
A deep-dive on the design journey of the Up app. A collaboration between product, design, engineering and our growing base of Upsiders.
Daniel Wearne
Making it rain!
Combining garden automation and the Up API to raise money for a cause
Paul Tagell