Up Blog
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Hi—Fi: The Financially Sound System
Hi—Fi: Your Financially Sound System is here, but what is it and how does it work? Hear from the mind behind the machine on why Hi—Fi is the future of money management.

Anson Parker

The Co-op Champions: When Joint Accounts are a Challenge
Ready, but not really ready (eek!) to share money? Ash and Nathan used 2Up to restart their financial lives; this time in co-op mode.

Nathan and Ash

Up turns 2! But we're turning up for you.
Less stress. Good times. And more to come.


Five ways Up can help you spend wisely
With the economic uncertainty as a result of COVID-19, spending wisely has become more important than ever.


Up 1.13.2 Release Notes
Transfer between Savers & Upcoming Subscription prompts.


Up 1.5.0 Release Notes
Instant Google Pay provisioning, better control over regulars, photos, and a few accessibility improvements.
