UpYear is Here!

Peel Back The Mysteries of Your 2023.
We’ve reached high into the clouds and slapped together the final pieces of your financial puzzle, logically laying out your entire spending and saving story before your very eyes. Powered by the purest form of cosmic calculations, we present to you your very own personalised annual report — UpYear: the easiest way to take a look back at how you spent and saved in 2023.
Remove yourself from the day to day — use these numbers to get a better understanding of how your money moved throughout the year, and put yourself in a good position to build better habits that stick in the new year.

Getting Your 2023 UpYear in Review
Today marks the start of your greatest hits tour. We’re sending out a special notification direct to your device letting you know your collection of personalised UpYear calculations are complete and ready to view.
If you’re an Upsider, your UpYear will arrive at some point from today, so keep an eye on your activity feed to find it. We’ve pre-installed your UpYear review to reveal itself as an item directly in your activity feed.
For the clearest path to your UpYear review make sure you’re up to date and running the latest version of Up (3.2.0). From here, simply summon your Up app on your device as you normally would and tap in any time to walk the halls of your 2023 UpYear review.

For Your Eyes Only.
Viewing your UpYear is a path you must walk alone and your calculations are unique to you. This is a special report on your financial journey through 2023 so we’ve purposely kept your financial data private and only you can access your review.
Once conjured, an UpYear report will hang around in your browser for a short period of time before you’ll need to head back to your app once more to authenticate and relive UpYear 2023.

What's packed into UpYear 2023?
UpYear is your personal tour guide through your financial ins and outs of the year that was. See exactly where you’re at the end of 2023 and make the choice to continue on your path, or write a new chapter.
Break open the plastic on your UpYear and breath in the sweet smell of your total spending and saving. Each purchase is organised and broken down into digestible Category Insights — perfect for exploration. Calculate how many coffee purchases it took to get you through, or rediscover the ‘Top Places You Shopped’ in 2023.

More Of You. More Of 2.
For those fighting finances together with 2Up, we’ve enhanced our couples calculations so it’s easier to see your UpYear in clear 2Up vision with your Player 2.
To view your shared 2Up Spending and Saving stats just toggle between Up and 2Up at the top of each UpYear section. Transform your report to a joint effort or leave it as ‘Table for 1’. The choice remains yours.

Build a Bigger Picture of 2023
This year we’ve added more in-depth insights to explore from the year that was. Tap through any of your top Spending Categories to bless your eyes with a second layer of numbers with your Top Subcategories, Average spend and Total Spent for the year.
This year, you’re up against yourself. In UpYear 2023 you can now see how your numbers have changed since last year's report. Keep an eye out for comparisons to your 2022 data and get the drop on any spending and saving trends you’d like to see more of, or some you’d rather not.
The Next Chapter Starts Now..
Thanks to every Upsider who rode with us this year.
We hope your 2023 UpYear review painted a clearer picture of your Spending and Saving. If your numbers are not everything you thought they’d be — that’s okay! Your future is not yet written and as always, you’re the master of your destiny.
2024 is ready for the taking.
Don’t forget, you can come back to view your 2023 UpYear in review at any time. Just take a scroll through your activity feed and tap on the UpYear activity item again. We’ll keep the number crunchers running so your figures will update as you make it to the end of 2023.
Finish off with a New Year Special.
Walk out of 2023 in style and start the new year on a financial high. Starting today you can score yourself $10 when you successfully Hook-Up-a-Mate with the gift of Up. Give your mates an early upgrade, they’ll get $10 when they successfully sign up so they can hit the ground running.
This special is here for a good time, not a long time. Get inviting from the ‘Hook Up a Mate’ menu in your Up app today. Offer ends 31st Jan 2024 — after this date, your referral bonus will return to its normal amount.
Learn more about referrals & suss out the T&Cs @ up.com.au/hook_up_a_mate/

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Hi—Fi: The Financially Sound System
Hi—Fi: Your Financially Sound System is here, but what is it and how does it work? Hear from the mind behind the machine on why Hi—Fi is the future of money management.

Anson Parker

Feel-Good Features
Add these 3 brand new financial power moves to your arsenal and take a shortcut on your path towards financial freedom.
