Up 2.0.2 Release Notes

Pay Splitting into 2Up
Save a little for you, and now save some for 2.
You can now split a percentage of your pay directly into your 2Up spending account, with Pay Splitting.
Spell out your splitting rules from your identified salary or funding contact and we’ll automatically split your payday cash to send it where it needs to go.
Automatically split your pay between your personal and 2Up spending or ANY of your Savers. Will you split off a small portion of pay, or set sail the fattest of stacks? The decision on that divide rests with you.

If you haven’t yet moved your salary across to Up you can also enable Pay Splitting for your funding accounts. Or, simply ask your employer to move your pay across to Up to take advantage of these features automatically on pay day.
Read more about splitting your pay here

2Up on watchOS
More wrist related improvements means 2Up is now supported on watchOS. You can now check your 2Up balance, view your shared spending activity and keep an even closer eye on your 2Up shared Trackers.
Get even more control over your cards with card controls now supporting your 2Up card. Block or Unblock your card instantly from your wrist.
Tap ‘Switch to 2Up’ on your watch app to see all things shared 💕

Tags: Release Notes, Up 2.0.2, 2Up, watchOS
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