Up Blog
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Up turns 2! But we're turning up for you.
Less stress. Good times. And more to come.


The Evolutionary Design of Up
A deep-dive on the design journey of the Up app. A collaboration between product, design, engineering and our growing base of Upsiders.

Daniel Wearne

Up on TransferWise
International Payments are now available to all Up customers via TransferWise. Let me take you on the grand tour.

Mark Brown

Up merchant logos: back to the past.
Retro logos are the best logos.

Anthony Langhorne

Rebooting Banking
Our journey began with a simple question: what could a banking platform look like if was built from scratch today, freed from legacy and designed from the outset to embrace the capabilities of current technology?

Anson Parker

Rebooting Transactions
The humble banking transaction is perhaps the fundamental unit of your financial life. It represents everything from your daily spending and regular bills through to your income and interest payments. It is the key to understanding where your money actually goes, yet it’s one of the most neglected and outdated parts of today’s banking experience.

Anson Parker