Up Blog
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UP CARD VS ZAP CARD: Pixel Meets Plastic
In this financial focus we compare and analyse the strengths and drawbacks of Up's physical and digital cards. Break down the powers each card wields and discover the style of spending that will grant you the upper hand for good. Ring the bell and read our full round-by-round report.


23 Easy Ways to Save This Summer
Here’s the Up team’s best – easy – tips to find a little extra $ left in your beach bag when the sun finally sets on summer.


How to stop impulse spending
Dodge like a ninja. Save like a shark. Whether your financial demons are delivery apps or deeper struggles, here’s our best tips for curbing the impulse to spend.


Locked Savers: Savings Self-Defence
Up’s introducing a handy substitute for willpower. Chuck a lock on your hard earned, and focus on what you really want.

Evan Simmonds

A Beautiful, Chaotic Machine: ADHD & Money Management
Let’s map Up to better suit your own personal brain magic. Here’s a little inspiration from Upsider Ollie.


Why Up is Now a Two Balance App
By choosing Spendable balance, you can see only what’s safe to spend. Same money: less worry.

Anson Parker

The Envelope Queen: Setting Up Cashless Cash Envelopes
Love packets of cash... but not actual cash? Here’s how one Upsider digitised ‘envelope stuffing’ with Up.

Emma Nugent

Wish Farming: How To Save Money with Up
Want more things than your dollars can buy? Try this story on for size.

Anne Shea

Starting out right with 2Up
Our guide to levelling up your new life together.


Pay Day & Spendable Balance
Pay Day is a great day, but what if the day before could be great to? Breeze between pays with our new feature.

Anson Parker

How to Save for a Baby
Truth is, no one ever plans perfectly for a baby. Sometimes we don’t even get the option to try. Here's an Up team member's take on what you can control, and how you can prep your space and your Savers to meet the new arrival.

Anne Shea

Custom Spending Insights
Noticed a new taste of rainbow in your Up feed? We’ve tuned up Insights so they can turn at your speed. Engineer María Acuña lays out what’s changing.


The Envelope Queen: Setting Up Cashless Cash Envelopes
Love packets of cash... but not actual cash? Here’s how one Upsider digitised ‘envelope stuffing’ with Up.

Emma Nugent

Building Up an Emergency Fund
Let’s call it financial self-defence. Here’s how you can use Up to prep for that unexpected moment when life loads a bazooka with your name on it.


Upgrade your finances with the Upsider community
Put the kettle on. Because today our Upsider community is sharing their best advice for small-but-slick financial changes that’ll really pack a punch in 2021.


New release: Covers & Forwards
Today we're introducing two new verbs to banking: "Covering" and "Forwarding".

Anson Parker